Orphanage House
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    First of all I would like to thank Sir Yamin Bin Kamis for teaching me how to build this website to complete this assignment. To be honest, it wasn't easy to build it in just one day. I admit there is lot of problems where the code doesn't run properly. But I managed to finish this assignment before the due date thanks to my lecturer and my friends for helping me complete this assignment. I use www.w3schools.com as a guide to complete this assignment.

    This website contains information about Pertubuhan Kebajikan Nasyiatul Aisyiyah located at Sungai Pinang Village Area, Balik Pulau, Pulau Pinang. This organization is one of non-profit organization where their purpose to help the people who really needed help and sherlter. The purpose I'm doing this website is to fulfill my subject qualification which is IMC456: BASIC WEB DESIGN AND CONTENT MANAGEMENT.


    Pertubuhan Kebajikan Nasyiatul Aisyiyah (PKNA) is a care center for orphans and the poor. PKNA has been establish since 2000 until now. PKNA practices the concept of family for its foster children. The number of PKNA children in 2014 was 17 people (under 15 years old), following in previous years many PKNA children were adopted. Throughout PKNA's operation, there have been many trial and tribulations that PKNA has faced in terms of education, finance, premises, manpower and so on.

    © This website is not the official website of Pertubuhan Kebajikan Nasyiatul Aisyiyah. This website developed for the purpose of learning HTML & CSS only. Best View Chrome Resolution 1920x1080. Last Updated 13 July 2022. All Rights Reserved

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